Gaps in your mouth from missing teeth can cause you to feel self-conscious about your appearance and may even prevent you from interacting with others in social settings. Fortunately, there is a safe and easy surgical procedure that replaces your missing teeth – whether they are missing from loss, trauma or decay. Dental implant placement is performed by experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons across the world, and help to restore the confidence of people who have lived with gaps in their mouths for years.

Dental implants also restore people’s ability to chew or eat certain foods, such as tough meat and other healthy foods that are nearly impossible to eat without a full set of strong teeth. At Utah Surgical Arts, I have had the privilege of working with patients whose lives are transformed o/wp-admin/post-new.phpnce they receive their dental implants.

One middle-aged patient of mine came in after being involved in a car accident, and was completely devastated after losing her two front teeth. Not only was the gap in her mouth very apparent, but she had trouble eating her favorite foods. During our initial consultation for her dental implant surgery, she shared with me how she had wanted to have her smile restored, but was uncertain of her options and had anxiety about undergoing surgery. I assured her the procedure was completely safe, effective and would not require long or painful recovery time.

After her surgery, she was amazed at the quick and easy recovery, as well as her new appearance. Seeing her smile again with a full set of healthy, white teeth was incredibly rewarding – both for me and for my entire staff. These are the types of cases that make me proud of what I do for a living. I have the ability to restore the confidence of people who are discouraged and anxious, giving them a new appearance and allowing them to eat the foods they once enjoyed.

Dental implant surgery is just one option for those who have missing teeth, but I always recommend it as the best choice, as most patients experience minimal disruption in their daily life. While the entire process may take six months, the lasting effects are immeasurable. Patients who have had the surgery come in for follow-up visits months or years later and look like completely different people, as they are typically happier, healthier and have the confidence they had prior to their tooth loss.

For more information about dental implant surgery and Utah Surgical Arts, visit

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By Dr. David Park

David Park DDS, MD is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon who enjoys practicing the expanded scope of maxillofacial surgery. Dr. Park received a bachelors of arts degree from Brigham Young University. He received a scholarship to the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Dental School. He accepted a residency position at University of Louisville, where he recieved his medical degree, completed an internship in General Surgery, and obtained a certificate in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

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